Stop giving excuses on disunity among Tamils: Karunanidhi to Rajapaksa

  • Posted by ceylonpicturesnet
  • at 11:58 AM -

(October 18, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian)Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi today asked  President Mahinda Rajapakse to stop giving 'excuses' that there is no unity among Sri Lankan Tamils for a political settlement and said he should take immediate steps to ensure peaceful living conditions for them.

He said Rajapakse, who enjoys two thirds majority in the Sri Lankan Parliament, can easily pass an amendment to the country's constitution to provide for "honourable living of Sri Lankan Tamils".

The immediate task before the Sri Lankan government was to settle internally displaced persons in the island republic, he said, adding that only devolution of powers to Tamil-dominated areas in the island could bring about a political solution.

He said the Indian government was also doing its duty in prevailing upon the Sri Lankan government over the issue, he said.

"It is the right time for the island republic to bring about a political solution to the ethnic strife and this chance should not be wasted now," he said


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